Update – The above video covers ALL the required fixes to completely revive the 1815+
I am just setting up this page to log the various posts / videos and links I come across in relation to ‘fixing’ the DS1815+ and related models.
My personal DS1815+ had the original Intel C2000 fix a few years ago under Warranty replacement which I sorted out via Amazon.
Now as of 30/10/2023 my 1815+ is starting the old cycle of random power off events, so the adventure begins again.

The 1815+ is dead – I can’t find a repair service that makes it worth while… However this has spawned what I am calling Project Pretorious which I will share more soon…
Have not found anyone UK based who does the repair and knows the full component list and method. At this rate I will be scrapping it.
Based on user reviews on the Synology Germany forums TN Notebooks offer a decent repair service – Not sure exactly on the level of repair that is completed over and above the usual Atom and Transistor replacement. Looks like they do a full repair including PSU internal fix required for the overall permanent fix.
The business below offers full repairs including a rework of the power circuitry and PSU. From what I have seen reported it is a excellent service and works, however does come at a few hundred $s. Worth reaching out to.
My Personal ‘Fixes’ to date.
1st Fix (Not actually needed)
I originally suspected the PSU as the issue and bought a new one, turns out the old one was fine… After talking sweet nothing’s in its ear for a bit I persuaded it to boot and vowed to not turn it off again!
2nd Fix. (failed)
Then back in December 2022 – The original 1/4w Resistor ‘fix’ didn’t achieve anything other than showing that I need to practice soldering. I also replaced the CMOS battery as well.
After this adventure I found that it did not pay attention to my sweet-talking, so it gets a warm hairdryer to the motherboard side of the case to get it to boot.

3rd Fix (Failing)
My last attempt was then the Transistor replacement on Q4 I think I did this in March 2023 as I can only seem to find this picture on Discord when I received the 50 pack! This resulted in success I did a little dance! However not all stories have happy endings. As of end of October 2023 the little monkey is doing random reboots.

German Forum – some great information in this thread
Random Videos that are helpful – The top one covers all fixes!!
“I installed a 6th Gen NUC in the guts which worked” PLEASE, publish this 🙂
I will see if I can put some pics on this page as while it ‘worked’ it had cooling issues as it’s an extremely tight fit. So it’s been parted out again..
Your DS1815+ is not dead and can be fixed. This is how I did it: https://www.jeeja.biz/2023/03/06/synology-ds1515-intel-atom-c2000-bug-fix/
Unfortunately that is just a sticky plaster fix eventually you have to do all the bits mentioned in the video. My 1815+ is in pieces and missing its PSU at this stage..
I have moved the video to the top of the page to make it more prominent.
I don´t see the first guy fix the problem of the third video. Are you sure you tried that, because unstable power could be that ? You can also try an other PSU as they wrote in some reddit or xpenology post.
The third video fixed my problem, hope it will not go the way yours went. Saw some guy on a forum charging loads of money and giving warranty, not worth it I think. Check Xpenology, works on any box and you can plug your disks straight in.
Another cool trick if you have the guts ( I did and it worked ) : https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/69328-converting-ds1515-into-ds1517-dsm-72/page/4/ . I think only quickconnect need a special fix, I didn´t care.
Cheers mate!
Yeah, I did a PSU swap which temporarily fixed the issue but it didn’t last long – You are just counting down to failure as it’s a design issue. Video 1 covers ALL the fixes that should be done for a 100% fix.
I have an unpublished write-up of a project where I installed a 6th Gen NUC in the guts which worked… I should probably should just publish it in its unfinished form as I scrapped the project after finishing it! I have kept most of the parts so could always come back to it one day!