Last updated on 2 January 2025
This is a member guide by geebru on Discord! Use The Ko-fi link at the bottom of the page to get them a well-earned drink!
Recyclarr syncs TRaSH Custom Formats, Profiles, and Quality definitions to Radarr and/or Sonarr while keeping them updated with changes from TRaSH.
Let’s Begin
Create the following folders:
Container setup
Using the same method as my other guides, set the following up as a Project saving into the second folder we created above when asked.
container_name: recyclarr
user: 1234:65432
- /volume1/docker/recyclarr:/config
- TZ=Europe/London
network_mode: synobridge
restart: unless-stopped
Edit the following lines with your own settings
Variable | What to enter |
user | PUID :PGID |
TZ | Your Timezone |
You can now Save and Build the container.
Config setup
Navigate to the first folder mentioned above and open recyclarr.yml
. The auto created config starts you with some basic information, but we’re going to replace all of it with the config below.
This config focuses on 1080p content from good release groups, average file sizes, and avoiding low-quality releases. This should set up most users with high-quality media without breaking the (disk size) bank!
Before going into the details, it’s important to note this config will update your Quality definitions (which determine the min, preferred, and max sizes of media) but will not touch pre-existing Profiles or Custom Formats, as it creates new ones.
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
base_url: http://NAS-IP:7878
# Include baseline 1080p custom formats and profiles:
# - Creates and sets up a new "HD Bluray + Web" Profile
# - Creates all required Custom Formats for "HD Bluray + Web"
- template: radarr-custom-formats-hd-bluray-web
- template: radarr-quality-profile-hd-bluray-web
# Set up folder and file renaming to your media player standards
# This is optional but highly recommended
folder: plex-imdb # or jellyfin
rename: true
standard: plex-imdb # or jellyfin
# Sets the min/pref values of Quality definitions (sizes)
type: movie
preferred_ratio: 0.075 # Adjust based on ideal file size - lower for smaller, higher for larger
- trash_ids:
# Desired movie versions
- 570bc9ebecd92723d2d21500f4be314c # Remaster
- eca37840c13c6ef2dd0262b141a5482f # 4K Remaster
- e0c07d59beb37348e975a930d5e50319 # Criterion Collection
- 9d27d9d2181838f76dee150882bdc58c # Masters of Cinema
- db9b4c4b53d312a3ca5f1378f6440fc9 # Vinegar Syndrome
# - 957d0f44b592285f26449575e8b1167e # Special Edition - Uncomment if you prefer Special Editions
- eecf3a857724171f968a66cb5719e152 # IMAX
- 9f6cbff8cfe4ebbc1bde14c7b7bec0de # IMAX Enhanced
# Optional exclusion formats
- b6832f586342ef70d9c128d40c07b872 # Bad dual groups
- 90cedc1fea7ea5d11298bebd3d1d3223 # EVO (no WEBDL)
- ae9b7c9ebde1f3bd336a8cbd1ec4c5e5 # No RIsGroup
- 7357cf5161efbf8c4d5d0c30b4815ee2 # Obfuscated
- 5c44f52a8714fdd79bb4d98e2673be1f # Retags
- f537cf427b64c38c8e36298f657e4828 # Scene
- name: HD Bluray + Web
base_url: http://NAS-IP:8989
# Include baseline 1080p custom formats and profiles:
# - Creates and sets up a new "WEB-1080p" Profile
# - Creates all required Custom Formats for "WEB-1080p"
- template: sonarr-v4-custom-formats-web-1080p
- template: sonarr-v4-quality-profile-web-1080p
# Use this instead of the line above if you have older shows
# as it allows for lower quality releases common in older media
#- template: sonarr-v4-quality-profile-web-1080p-alternative
# Set up folder and file renaming to your media player standards
# This is optional but highly recommended
series: plex # or jellyfin
# Sets the min/pref values of Quality definitions (sizes)
type: series
preferred_ratio: 0.075 # Adjust based on ideal file size - lower for smaller, higher for larger
# Optional exclusion formats
- trash_ids:
- 32b367365729d530ca1c124a0b180c64 # Bad dual groups
- 82d40da2bc6923f41e14394075dd4b03 # No-RIs group
- e1a997ddb54e3ecbfe06341ad323c458 # Obfuscated
- 06d66ab109d4d2eddb2794d21526d140 # Retags
- 1b3994c551cbb92a2c781af061f4ab44 # Scene
- name: WEB-1080p
Update the following variables with your own information:
Variable | What to enter |
base_url | Radarrhttp://[nas-ip]:7878 orhttp:// orhttp://localhost:7878 Sonarr http://[nas-ip]:8989 orhttp:// orhttp://localhost:8989 |
api_key | Your API key from Radarr/Sonarr |
Config details
A few extra notes about the config above:
- The
include all the base custom formats, scores, and applications needed to fulfill the defaults of those profiles. The additional included ID strings are optional additions suggested by TRaSH to further improve the quality of grabs. - TRaSH always sets the “maximum” file size in Quality to the max possible value. Do not worry about this. Based on the config, the Arrs will always attempt to find a match closest to the preferred size.
- This config avoids advanced video and audio formats (Dolby Vision, HDR, Dolby Atmos, TrueHD, etc.) for maximum beginner compatibility. These can be layered in later.
Run Recyclarr
If you are layering Recyclarr onto an existing Arrs setup, it may be beneficial to dry-run the config first.
To do this, SSH into your Synology and run:
sudo docker exec recyclarr recyclarr sync --preview
You will see a readout of all the changes that Recyclarr will make to each app.
Once happy with the outcome, run the actual sync commands and it will write the changes:
sudo docker exec recyclarr recyclarr sync
After a successful sync, you should see changes to your Radarr and Sonarr instances.
Radarr will have a new profile called “HD Bluray + WEB” and Sonarr will have a new profile called “WEB-1080p”. These are the profiles you should use when adding new media to your Arrs.
Each profile should have newly defined quality requirements and a list of custom formats that will score available media, ensuring you get the highest quality option possible.
From here on, Recyclarr will run every night at midnight, checking TRaSH for updates to the templates and IDs.
One item left untouched by Recyclarr in Radarr is the “Language” field in the “HD Bluray + Web” Profile. For max compatibility and searching potential, go into that Profile, find “Language”, and change it to “Original”.
Setting this to “Original” ensures you always get the base language the media uses and prevents total grab failure if a language isn’t present. If you prefer additional or alternate languages, there are additional formats and profiles that can be used.
If you do only want to grab media with a specific language, set this to that language, but be aware it will deny grabbing media entirely if that language isn’t found.
For more information into the configs and options available, refer to the Recyclarr wiki!