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Minecraft (Bedrock / Console Edition) Server in Docker on a Synology NAS

Please note if you are using DSM7.2 or higher you should use the Container Manager version of this guide from the menu.
This guide has reached the end of its updates as most people are now on the latest DSM update - This guide is correct as of 08/12/2023 however no further updates will be added.
Due to an upstream issue/change the method to add people to the allow list has changed – guide updated to reflect this (See the compose and notes below)
Also added a new section on how to open up Remote Play using your own address.
Historic updates now at the end of the guide.

In this guide I am going to take you through the steps to get a Minecraft Bedrock server up and running in Docker on a Synology NAS.

What is the Bedrock Edition?

The Bedrock edition is the version used by all consoles such as the Nintendo Switch, Android, iPhone, and the Windows store edition. If you are looking for a JAVA edition see my other guide.

In order for you to successfully use this guide please complete the two additional steps below

Downloading the Container

Open up Docker within DSM and navigate to the ‘Registry’ tab and search for ITZG in the keyword box.

Within the results right click and download the ‘ITZG|Minecraft-Bedrock-Server’, When it asks which version number to download select ‘Latest’

Setting up the container

Now we have downloaded the container and got hold of our user IDs we can move onto the next stage.

Go back into Docker and click on the ‘Image’ tab, in the list of your containers select the ITZG minecraft bedrock server, and click on ‘Launch’

You will be greeted with the Network screen, we will be using the bridge network, this allows us to specify the ports we want to use.

Next you will be greeted with the General Settings screen, this is where you can start specifying some of your preferences.

You can change the name of the container to anything you like, and you may want to enable Auto Restart as this will ensure the server starts automatically if you reboot your NAS.

We won’t be change any of the other settings.

Next up we are going to click on the ‘Advanced Settings’ button, this will take you to a new window with a number of tabs which we are going to work through.


We are now going to set up the specific options for the server some of these will be set based on your preference.

Add each of the values below by clicking the ‘Add’ button at the top of the screen and then entering each of the values below.

These are the minimum settings I would use, you can see a full list on ITZG’s GitHub including how to give permissions to your users. Take note that some items are UPPERCASE and some are lowercase. This is how they should be set.

UIDYOURUIDUID you obtained earlier
GIDYOURGIDGID you obtained earlier
EULAtrueThis accepts the Minecraft EULA, without this the server will not run
VERSIONlatestThis keeps the server updated to the latest release.
You can also change this to a specific version such as 1.18.10 which is useful if Microsoft updates the server version before releasing new clients!
SERVER_NAMEGive your server a name
SERVER_PORT19132don’t change this
GAMEMODEcreative, survival, adventure
DIFFICULTYpeaceful, easy, normal, hard
ONLINE_MODEtrue or false (true will require you to be signed in to Xbox Live when playing)
OPSyourxuidIn order to get your xuid you will need to visit this site enter your xbox/microsoft gamertag and select decimal (DEC) in the options
WHITE_LISTtrue / falsesee the section further on in the guide for the steps to add people to the White List

You do not need to set up anything on these tabs.

Press ‘Save’ to go back to the initial setup screen, then press ‘Next’

Port Settings

On this screen enter 19132 in the left-hand side of the page in the Local Port section and then click Next

Volume Settings

We can now specify the directory where Minecraft will store its configuration files.

Click on Add Folder, click on the docker folder and create a new sub-folder called ‘minecraftbedrock’ select this folder and click ‘select’

Now we need to specify where this folder will be mounted inside the container. As per the screenshot/table below, enter /data into the ‘Mount path’.

File/FolderMount path

Click on Next and you will be taken to an overall summary screen, just do a quick sanity check to make sure they are correct. If you want to launch the server immediately check the box and click on Done.

Adding People to the White List

We can now add additional people to the White List otherwise you will get errors when they attempt to connect

Open up Docker and within the Container list select the Bedrock Server and click Details.

On the Terminal that appears type allowlist add then the exact name of the Friend you want to add including any Capital letters and press Enter.

Connecting to the Server

There are two ways to connect to the server, either via the Friends tab or by adding it manually to the Servers tab in Minecraft. Using your NAS IP:19132

(Optional Extra for Remote Play)

So your friends have an easy way to play remotely lets set up an address for them to connect to!

Before we start, make sure you have registered for a Synology Account as we are going to be using their DDNS service.

DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System)

A DDNS address allows you to get external access to Minecraft via an address provided by Synology, this is useful on home internet connections where your ISP will change your IP address on a regular basis.

In the DSM Control panel go to ‘External Access’ and then to the ‘DDNS’ tab

Click on ‘Add’, then fill out the following sections.

Service ProviderSynology
HostnameThis will be the address used to identify your NAS so make it personal to you not specific to this guide. = BAD
myawesomenas.synology,me =GOOD
Email:Log into your Synology account
External Address (IPv4)This should be filled in automatically
External Address (IPv6)This should be filled in automatically if your ISP is using IPv6
Get a Cert from Let’s EncryptTick this box
Enable HeartbeatTick this box

Now press OK, DSM will apply your settings. It can take a few moments to set up and the DSM interface will refresh. You will likely receive a certificate error which you will need to accept to get back into DSM.

The final step will be to forward port 19132 on your Router to your NAS IP. You will need to refer to your Routers manual on how to do this. As we are using the default Minecraft Bedrock port other players just need to use the address you set up to connect.

You are now all setup and ready to play…

Historic UpdatesDate
New guide released23/02/2022
DSM7.1 Update with new screenshots and steps27/05/2022
Added some other useful variables to get the basics setup on a server23/06/2022
Added new port settings and Docker Bridge Network23/07/2022
Compose version number removed and small wording amendments09/04/2023
Historic Updates

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Published inGaming 7.1



    I’m having an issue when updating my server, tried copying it or keeping a back up incase but have lost the save and minecraft keeps making a new world each time

    • Dr_Frankenstein Dr_Frankenstein

      I would restore your backup, and then you can then just pull the latest container which in turn will pull the newest server version. This upgrade should generally be seamless.

  2. Elperro Elperro

    Hi, super guides – thank you!
    I am having problems – my docker instanser does not se to ger access to access to retrieve ”latest” version. It cannot access the server to update. Standard problem?

    • Dr_Frankenstein Dr_Frankenstein

      Hey, this is a common issue. First if you have the Firewall setup and enabled you will need to give the container access to the outside world, failing that see my reply to Jerome below as you may need to manually grab the latest server build.

  3. Jerome Jerome

    Set everything up per the instructions. My Docker container attempts to start and in less than a minute just stops. If I have auto restart enabled it just bounces every 5 seconds.

    Synology NAS DS220+
    6GB RAM
    DSM 7.1-42661 Update 4

  4. Mike Mike

    Has anyone encountered a problem with the container updating automatically? It seems this week that Bedrock version 1.19.30 was released and my container has been unable to update (I have the VERSION variable set to LATEST).

    This causes a reboot loop and my server is inaccessible.

    The only way I can keep the server running is to specify the VERSION to be (the version that had been running smoothly before this update was released). Even trying to manually specify the latest version – – the reboot loop occurs.

    Any guidance?

      • Mike Mike

        Awesome, thanks! I sort of fumbled through this a bit and I think maybe it was actually an issue with my firewall?

        I turned off my Synology firewall and turned on the Docker container and it seems like it was able to pull the server update properly.

        • Dr_Frankenstein Dr_Frankenstein

          Good to hear it worked – I think I am going to start adding a note onto the opening of all the guides around firewall setup, potentially even dedicate a guide to it.


    Hi I am trying to connect with some friends on console. I have set up port forwarding and everything seems fine when on mobile but when they try and log in on a playstation they cannot connect. Any suggestions would be helpful thanks

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