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Pi-hole in Container Manager on a Synology NAS

Last updated on 18 March 2025

Important or Recent Updates
Historic UpdatesDate
Updated guide for Container Manager and using Macvlan14/05/2023
Added a new section to ensure DSM continues having network access.02/06/2023
Guide updated so you can choose between Macvlan or Bridge mode12/08/2023
Added additional security option to the compose to restrict the container from gaining new privileges25/10/2023
Fixed issues I introduced with the recent changes in my mission to make things more secure. It was so secure I broke it!
Added the appropriate permissions/capabilities at start up for the container.
Removed the requirement for the synobridge as this container can just use its own bridge, and added the Host network mode, so all three are a choice.28/01/2024
Removed the WEB_UID and WEB_GID from the config to avoid issues with ID’s conflicting inside the container. I will update again once I have some time to work around this.03/04/2024
Some minor amends to sync up the information across this guide and the AdGuard one01/08/2024
Removed two unneeded capabilities from the bridge version of the docker compose as they are not required.16/11/2024
Guide updated for the all new v6 of Pi-hole (Note if you upgrade from v5 you effectively have to change all the compose settings in line with the new guide so might be worth just scrapping and starting fresh unless you really need stats etc

Please note as recommended by the Pi-hole dev team I have added a Watchtower exclusion label to the compose so you can do manual updates. Automated ones could result in you losing internet access if a bad update takes place.

Edited again today as I left in a variable that is not required in Host and Macvlan mode “DNSMASQ_LISTENING” sorry.
Had a rethink of the Guide, and it has been rewritten to include an overdue request of including Unbound!24/02/2025
Fixed my idiocracy adjusted the MACVLAN section to actually put Unbound on the same network.. Facepalm!16/03/2025
I need to do some more testing of Unbound as part of the guide and I don’t currently have a lot of time so to avoid issues I have removed it from the guide for now.18/03/2025
Historic Updates

What is Pi-hole?

If you are looking to get advertising and tracking blocked across all the devices on your network a Pi-hole will have you covered. It’s a locally hosted Domain Name Server and uses block lists to stop adverts.

This guide will get you set up with Pi-hole and cover some basic initial settings, I recommend checking out the documentation for all the various features available.

Pi-hole GitHub

Host vs Bridge vs Macvlan Network Modes

You need to decide which mode of Networking you want to use, I have outlined the key points below in general order of preference.


Host mode uses your NAS underlying network to run the containers network services, so it will be reliant on the NAS not using any of the required ports for the container. However, this makes it easy to set up, but you need to make sure no other service is using the required ports. All your clients will appear correctly as independent devices and stats.

Bridge Mode:

The main benefit of Bridge Mode will be the ease of setup however you will find that all clients on your network will appear under the same IP as the Bridge This won’t impact ad blocking, but it will mean you can’t apply device specific rules etc.


This gives you the benefit of Pi-hole having its own IP address on your network, all clients appear with their real IP addresses allowing you to assign specific rules and give you some nicer stats. However, one downside is that your NAS will not be able to use Pi-hole for DNS, due to the additional security features of Macvlan and its communication with its host. This is generally not an issue unless you wanted to use your Ad blocking with Tailscale.

Please note you will not be able to use Macvlan with a Bonded network connection e.g. ‘Bond0’. You will need to remove the bond in order to use this method.

Let’s Begin

In order for you to successfully use this guide you will need to check that your Router allows you to change your network DNS servers, this is usually found in the DHCP settings.

Please follow the initial guide below to get a restricted Docker user set up, then come back here.

Folder Setup

Let’s start by getting some folders set up for the container to use. Open up File Station create the following.


Container Manager

Next we are going to set up a ‘Project’ in Container Manager. Open up Container Manager and click on Project then on the right-hand side click ‘Create’.

In the next screen we will set up our General Settings, enter the following:

Project Name:pihole
Source:Create docker-compose.yml

The code section of the below will be blank until we move to the next step.

Next we are going to drop in our docker compose configuration. You now need to decide if you are going to go with Host, Bridge Mode or Macvlan. Jump to the appropriate page to follow the setup.

Host – Page 2
Bridge – Page 3
Macvlan – Page 4

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

Published inAd-Blocking / DNS 7.2DockerSynology


  1. Sladester Sladester

    Followed the guide and it worked perfectly! Now it’s a few weeks later and I went to log into pihole and the password I set and was using does not work. I restarted the project, no luck.

    I tried to reset the password using the instructions the page gives “sudo pihole setpassword” but pihole is not found. I think it’s because I’m logged in as my admin account in a terminal window and I should be the dockerlimited account (which is what I used in the yaml) but am not sure. Any guidance on how to reset the password? Feel really dumb lol.

    • Dr_Frankenstein Dr_Frankenstein

      Hey – We have had this a few times in Discord it feels like its a bug that has carried forward from the initial release..

      Step should be..

      1) Stop the Project and remove the password line from the compose
      2) Build the Project (Save and say Yes to pop up)
      3) Then in Container Manager > Pihole Container > Action > Open Terminal > Create..
      4) Click on the bash window that is created enter the command “pihole setpassword” and it will let you set a password

  2. ZarqEon ZarqEon

    Thanks for this guide!
    i was struggling a bit, but in the end the bridge mode worked for me.
    But I could not figure out why unbound was not complying.

    turned out that unbound and pi hole is running in separate containers. Unbound for me refused to expose port 5335 to anybody, and pi hole was not able to reach the unbound container on either my nas ip (like my own subnet ip: for example), neither on

    what i ended up doing is: since unbound was exposing port 53, and unbound and pi hole was on the same docker network, setting
    as the only upstream DNS server in the pi hole did the trick.

    i am not sure if i was doing something wrong, or if it is a good idea to do it this way, (i have no idea what i am doing) but at least it is working now.

    • Dr_Frankenstein Dr_Frankenstein

      Thanks for the update – Until I can do some more thorough testing here, I am removing the Unbound element of the guide. I have been really lacking time recently and that has shown in the quality of the guide Unbound element. I usually spend a month or more using in real life before doing guide updates.. You are likely doing this correctly and it’s my error.

  3. Tak Tak

    Thanks for these… I’ve been running Synology pihole (macvlan) for a while and just setup tailscale…

    However once my PC is added to Tailscale, I cannot access webpage or ping pihole

    I can ping everything else on same subnet, just the pihole is not responding

    Synology is set as Exit node
    pihole ip is in the Tailscale DNS

    I’ve also set pihole Settings > DNS > Interface Settings >
    was local
    now permit all origins

    Also tried “allow local network access” on the tailscale menu…

    Once I disconnect the PC from Tailscale, ping/web to pihole works.

    Is there something I missed?

    • Dr_Frankenstein Dr_Frankenstein

      Keep in mind when Pi-hole is in macvlan the Host (your NAS) cannot access it along with anything running on the NAS. To combine with Tailscale you will need to run in Host or Bridge mode.

  4. Siewert Siewert


    I have a little issue i can’t resolve.
    I followed the mcvlan guide and it’s up and running.
    But the issue is the following.
    I’ am able to browse my local network but can’t go outside so no websites are available.
    When i go into the PiHole settings and set google as my dns everything is working.
    I think there is an issue with the unbound in my docker but don’t know where to look.
    Any thoughts?

    • Dr_Frankenstein Dr_Frankenstein

      Hey – let me come back to you shortly, I may have made an error in the combination of both network wise.

        • Dr_Frankenstein Dr_Frankenstein

          Hey snipped your compose – see White Swan’s comment for the fix – I will be adjust the guide very shortly!!

          • Siewert Siewert

            Thx to you two guys for the fix, it’s up and running.
            My DS932+ has something to kill the time and i can rest my Raspberry.
            Only thing i noticed after installation and still monitoring.
            I had to change the port in the custom dns setting from #5335 to #53.
            Don’t know why but did so after still seeing ads and wondered why.
            After changing the port it worked.

      • White Swan White Swan


        Your unbound.conf file contains the following

        port: 53

        When I set up unbound following the macvlan method for pihole, the dns service does not resolve addresses, and I’ve had to reinstate as my dns provider in pihole.

        I don’t think it’s related, but I had previously set up pihole through macvlan using your tutorial, and I now want to install unbound too.

      • White Swan White Swan


        The issue is that Unbound is installed on a bridge network, while Pi-hole is running on a Macvlan network. Containers on Macvlan networks cannot communicate directly with the host (your Synology DSM, in this case).

        I’ve found a workable solution: place Unbound on the same Macvlan network as Pi-hole. This ensures that both Pi-hole and Unbound can communicate with each other directly, as they would both be on the same network segment. This can be done as follows:

        image: klutchell/unbound
        container_name: unbound
        – “5335:53/tcp”
        – “5335:53/udp”
        – /volume1/docker/unbound:/etc/unbound/custom.conf.d

        of course substituting the desired ip address for your unbound instead of

        Then, the instructions for Point Pi-hole at your Unbound instance (Optional) change to:

        Click on Settings, then DNS. You will need to turn off any existing public DNS providers if any are ticked (Usually Google). Then click the Custom DNS drop down and enter your chosen Unbound IP address:

        For example

        • Dr_Frankenstein Dr_Frankenstein

          Thank you beat me to the punch, been AFK all day 🙁

          I will get the mistake fixed ASAP.

          • White Swan White Swan

            Happy to contribute; here are some points:

            – In “If you used Macvlan enter the ip you used for the Unbound container followed by #5335” on page 5 – for me #53 works, not #5335

            – In terms of updating the router DNS, I’m using pihole so the router DNS points to the pihole which is on a macvlan, not (for) “Macvlan = The address you chose for the container on the line ‘ipv4_address:’ ” , and the pihole specifies the ip address for Unbound; is there a different way it should be done?

            – The Unbound logs consistently report problems with DNSSEC

            I’d appreciate your input

            • Dr_Frankenstein Dr_Frankenstein

              Hey, see my reply to ZarqEon. – I am pulling the Unbound element of the guide until I can do further tests here.

              Based on our Discord group, the above should have worked with #5353, but something is not right.

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