Last updated on 31 December 2024
Important or Recent Updates
Update | Date |
New guide update for DSM7.2 and Container Manager | 06/05/2023 |
Moved from UI setup to Project Setup which is more flexible and easier to maintain. | 21/10/2023 |
Added an addition element to the compose to restrict the container from gaining additional privileges and also umask environment variable | 25/10/2023 |
What is SABnzbd?
SABnzbd is a binary newsreader, it is used to download files from Usenet, and where required will also repair and extract releases. It works on its own or in conjunction with other tools such as Lidarr and Radarr.
Let’s Begin
In this guide I will take you through the steps to get Sabnzbd up and running in Container Manager. We will be using the new Projects (Docker Compose) feature to get this running as it will save you time vs manual setup using the normal UI
In order for you to successfully use this guide please complete the three preceding guides
- Docker Package, SSD and Memory Recommendations
- Step 1: Directory Setup Guide
- Step 2: Setting up a restricted Docker user
- Step 3: Setting up a Docker Bridge Network (synobridge)
Folder Setup
Let’s start by getting some folders set up for the containers to use. Open up File Station create the following.
Container Manager
Next we are going to set up a ‘Project’ in Container Manager. Open up Container Manager and click on Project then on the right-hand side click ‘Create’.
In the next screen we will set up our General Settings, enter the following:
Section | Setting |
Project Name: | sabnzbd |
Path: | /docker/projects/sabnzbd-compose |
Source: | Create docker-compose.yml |
Next we are going to drop in our docker compose configuration, copy all the code in the box below and paste it into line ‘1’ just like the screenshot.
image: linuxserver/sabnzbd:latest
container_name: sabnzbd
- TZ=Europe/London #CHANGE_TO_YOUR_TZ
- UMASK=022
- /volume1/docker/sabnzbd:/config
- /volume1/data/usenet:/data/usenet
- 8080:8080/tcp
network_mode: synobridge
- no-new-privileges:true
restart: always
Environment Variables
We are now going to amend some key variables to make sure the container has access to our folders and also knows where we are in the world. Don’t change any other settings other than those I mention.
Variable | Value |
PUID | (required) The UID you obtained in the user setup guide |
PGID | (required) The GID you obtained in the user setup guide |
TZ | (required) Your timezone |
Once you have made the edits you can click ‘Next’
You do not need to enable anything on the ‘Web portal settings’ screen click ‘Next’ again.
On the final screen click ‘Done’ which will begin the download of the container images and once downloaded they will be launched!
The image will now be downloaded and extracted. You should see ‘Code 0’ when it has finished.
Firewall Exceptions
(Skip if you don’t have the Firewall configured)
If you have the Synology Firewall enabled please see this additional guide for further info on exceptions and correct set up.
Some final steps
SABnzbd will now be running on port 8080 you can connect to it by going to the IP address of your NAS with that port
Once you have completed the setup wizard, go into the settings and amend your folders to the following
Setting | Path |
Temporary Download Folder | /data/usenet/intermediate |
Completed Download Folder | /data/usenet/completed |
Watched Folder | /data/usenet/nzb |
If you are using SABnzbd for your download client in the Arrs you will want to add some categories and paths as shown below. When adding SABnzbd to each of the Arrs match up the category in the download client settings, like the example below in Sonarr.
Categories will look like below, note that the path is purely the name of the folder with no other information
You are now configured to get downloads working, there are quite a few options in the configuration sections of the app that can both improve and hinder performance. These really depend on the capability of your NAS so keep this in mind.
Looking for some help, join our Discord community
If you are struggling with any steps in the guides or looking to branch out into other containers join our Discord community!
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If you have found my site useful please consider pinging me a tip as it helps cover the cost of running things or just lets me stay hydrated. Plus 10% goes to the devs of the apps I do guides for every year.
I see some usenet providers offer a VPN. Currently, i have setup qbittorrent behind GlueTUN based on your instructions. Curious to know your thoughts on putting this “SABnzbd” behind the GlueTUN VPN.
For Usenet there is no real need, its only if you wanted to hide your IP from the provider if you were uploading binaries.. – you likely already gave them all your personal details when you paid so nothing to hide.
considering i cannot just access /volume1/data without SSH is the yaml file above correct? or do we need to use SSH and create the folder. I ask because it appears that I do not have access to the folder when building this. The error is
bind data failed: volume1/data/usenet folder does not exist.
It sounds like you may have missed the initial steps where we set up all the underlying required media and download folders – see ‘Lets Begin’ Step 1 – yaml is all correct.
You are correct sir. I clearly didn’t think this through and obviously i didn’t read that part 😉 Thanks!
Does the “Migration from old guides” also apply for SABnzbd ? In other words, keep the directories and all existing configs will be used ?
Hi Null, yes 100% just follow the updated guide after deleting the original container but keep all the folders.
I’ve followed your guide for getting SABnzbd working. I also followed your guide on getting the ARRs installed.
When I do all of the server tests from SAB through Overseer they all say I’m connected.
However, when I go into Overseer to attempt a download, the request goes through but seems to not get executed by Radaar.
I’ve only checked Sonaar and Radarr but I’m getting the same error for both in the status of both applications:
“You are using docker; download client SABnzbd places downloads in /data/usenet/completed/movies but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings.”
I believe this has something to do with the way I setup categories in SABnzbd but my categories look exactly like yours. I’ve been triple checking to make sure I’m doing exactly as you indicate in your guides and am using your Docker Compose examples.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi LaVike
If all is set up with the guides I would initially ignore that error, I have seen this before on initial setup and then it goes away after the first successful import.
In Overseerr make sure you have ticked the Automatic Search within both the Radarr and Sonarr settings sections to trigger them on a request.
Once a download completes see if the error then goes away, you can also make sure you can see that full path by browsing to from the Manual Import screen just to ensure its not a permissions issue.
Dr. F!
Thank you so much! I was able to download via Radaar and the error went away. I haven’t downloaded via Sonaar yet but I’m guessing that will be the case.
I was having an issue getting a download to work but after I re-did the categories, I halted that Project and restarted it. It may have had something to do with the categories not being recognized. Is restarting after editing the categories required?
Thanks again!
Hey glad its working, not normally but sometime with these things a quick restart can work wonders!
Hi there, thx for the manual. i stucked on the point to build the container. I customized the YAML to my ids and time zone, and started the build, changed nothing on the web portal settings, just clicked next, build started and ends after short time with:
Error response from daemon: network synobridge not found
Exit Code: 1
Any clue? Thx 4 your support.
Regards Flo
Hi – You missed one of the initial steps at the start of the guide creating the bridge 🙂
Thx again, today i started from scratch followed the 3 initial steps. then create the project. the build process end with an error about: port 8080 still in use. so i deleted all containers and the container manager. install the cm new and start now from 0.
everything is fine, call me an idiot ;). within my hassle and the uncontroled testing and fixing i configured some webportal services on these port. after delete them, sabnzbd runs fine. thanks for the support.