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Step 3: Setting Up a Docker Bridge Network in Container Manager

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New DSM7.2 Container Manager Update22/04/2023
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We are now going to set up a Docker Bridge Network, we are doing this for consistency across the guides here. It also allows us to have more control over the ports containers use in case we want to avoid certain port ranges that DSM uses.

While most containers will happily work without doing this step it is good practice to set up a specific Bridge rather than using the default bridge or Network Host mode.

Let’s Begin

Open up the Container Manager and go into the Network tab.

Next click on ‘Add’ which brings up the settings screen. In here we are going to specify the following values.

Network Namesynobridge (you can change this if you wish)
IPv4 ConfigurationManual
network: iprange172.20.0.0/16

Now click ‘Apply’ which will take you back to the original screen.

That’s it the Bridge is now ready for containers to be attached to it. You can go back to the guide you were following.

Optional Steps if you have the Synology Firewall Enabled

If you have the Synology Firewall enabled and configured to block incoming or outgoing connections you will need to do this step. Otherwise, you will have issues with your containers being able to contact each other.

Go into Control Panel > Security > Firewall

Click on Edit Rules and in the screen that appears click on ‘Create’

In the first screen select ‘All’ and ‘Specific IP’ then press ‘Select’

Then select ‘IP Range’ and enter ‘’ in ‘From:’ and ‘’ in ‘To:’

Press OK until you are back to the main Firewall screen and press Apply.

You can now go back to the guide you were following.


  1. anonguy anonguy

    Hello there, I set up the synobridge, but the and gateway is already taken by Paperless-ngx, so i changed the numbers to and gateway to What all do i need to change for this to work? I’m an amateur at this stuff but I have a lot to learn. Surely there is a fix for me, I just dont know what all I need to change to point the programs to the correct network

    • Dr_Frankenstein Dr_Frankenstein

      Hey – no issues with using alternative IPs – just whenever you see mention of 172.20 just use the one you used for the bridge πŸ™‚

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