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Updating Containers in Container Manager

Last updated on 31 December 2024

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New guide for Container Manager25/04/2023
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The new Container Manager makes updating container images super easy, it can all be done via the UI and no need to SSH into your NAS for updating Docker Compose projects!

Let’s Begin

Head over to the Image tab in Container Manager, in the list of images you will see updates next to the ‘Tag’ field.

You will only be notified of updates for images that you have selected a general tag, such as Latest or Nightly, if you have a specific version number it will remain as is. It is also worth noting that images from GitHub or other sources outside of will not receive update notices.

Click on the ‘Update available’ button next to the images you want to update, then the screen below will appear, click the Update button.

Then confirm the Update and you will see the image download in the main list.

Container Manager will automatically stop and update your running containers.

Sometimes you may find the container doesn’t get reset correctly with the new image. If this is the case take the extra couple of steps. Stop the container you are updating, then from the top menu click Action > Reset.

Your container will now be running the latest image.

Extra step for Containers part of a Project

If you update a container within a Project it can cause the overall project to fail if that container relies on another. For example updating Gluetun will break the network connection for containers running through it.

Go to the Project tab and select the project you wish to rebuild, then from the Action menu press Stop.

Next click the Action Menu again but this time select build – This will remove the containers and then rebuild them with the updated images.

That’s it, going forward you can easily update containers using this method.

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Published inDockerSynologyUpdating Containers 7.2


  1. Bor Bor

    Hi, i just found your site few days ago, so maybe you will be able to help me?

    I have a weird bug with Container Manager where everytime i start a Project, it’s container does not start. It happens for a new project or after i update the image tag. Starting the Container shows a popup stating the container started, followed immediately by another popup about the container stopping unexpectedly.

    The only way i found to fix this is to go to the Container, not Projects, and to do a Reset on the container. Starting it afterwards works 100%. I have no idea why, i did follow your guide on seting up the /docker/data and /docker/projects forlders, and this only happens for containers with volumes. I tried setting the user and group in the Project, and also without it, and in all cases, there is no difference.

    The container never even starts long enough to post a single log line in it’s own logs.

    After the Reset on the container – it all just works.

    I would love to understand why this is happening and if i am doing something wrong.

    • Dr_Frankenstein Dr_Frankenstein

      Very odd I have never seen this and no one has mentioned on Discord either. Maybe there is some kind of issue with the Package itself. Have you updated to the latest version that came out very recently?

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